June 6, 2020
We would like to invite you to a FREE Webinar (via Zoom) hosted by Design Re-Invention on a topic called Agri-Tourism in Asia on Tuesday, June 9th 3PM Philippine Standard Time (GMT +8).
What exactly is Agri-Tourism? The National Agriculture Law Centre defines agri-tourism as a form of commercial enterprise that links agricultural production and/or processing with tourism.
The intention is to attract visitors to visit a farm, ranch, or other agricultural business for the purposes of entertaining and/or educating the visitors and generating income for the farm, ranch, and/ or business owner. Simply, agri-tourism can be thought of as the crossroads between tourism and agriculture.
There are many benefits to agri-tourism as a whole - Now, let's refer back to that last statement above. Imagine adding another component making it a crossroad between tourism, agriculture and hospitality.
There are 6 key presenters within the panel who will cover a variety of interesting Agri-Tourism topics.
In addition, Philippines' very own Bohol - in particular, South Farm Panglao Bohol will be featured on this Webinar! Show your LOVE & SUPPORT in showcasing one of our country's great treasures - BOHOL
Register HERE to get FREE access to this awesome webinar!

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